Red Pine

Ok so I get off my 8 day work week and I go right over to my friend's house to watch a couple episodes of Dark and while we're watching we're drinking. I don't know if I've mentioned this to you but I'm a light-weight. I had 3 stupid seltzers and I was drunk. So I stayed there until 1:30 when I sobered up. Then I went home and slept until 10 when I had to get ready for therapy. Therapy was good but now I have this weird thought that I should be more emotional in therapy, like I'm doing it wrong. But my therapist says I'm ok and I just want to talk and feel validated, which is valid. Anyway after that I go over to CarMax to see what they will pay for my car. Turns out it's not that much... Anyway after that I go home to relax and instead of relaxing I watch Workin' Moms and set up more of my newest side hustle. I stayed up until 1 organizing...

Then I woke up to meet Tom at the entrance to Little Cottonwood Canyon at 10. The plan was to go up Red Pine trail to the lake and then hang out, rest a little, eat lunch and then keep going up to Pfeifferhorn peak. PP would have been the best because it's a scramble and it's a little scary which is what I like... But it's 3 miles to RP and another 2 hours to PP. I was already exhausted. This was a much harder hike than I thought it would be... So before we even made it to Red Pine Lake I was talking about not wanting to go up further... But we got to the lake and set up the hammock to chill and it was around the time that we were getting ready to start back up Tom decided that we didn't need to go up anymore. I decided it's good to have a goal and we'll have something to work up to. I went home and made dinner and went down to watch TV and I didn't do anything else.

The lake was beautiful though! I really enjoyed the area despite the difficulty. Also it turns out recovery is harder when you get older because it's been 2 days and I still feel terrible. Also I think it might be time to change my diet a little. I think I'm going gluten free for a month... And then I want to go dairy free for a month and see if either of those help my body feel better.


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