Tubing the river

An adventure story

So my friend comes to me and says I want to tube down Weber River. I'm like ok, how much is it? And she says she doesn't want to pay because she already has the tubes and she's heard of people not paying. The guy who sits next to her at work says he's done it on his own and so we ask him to explain what he did. He says "you drive down the road until you find a good place to end and you park 1 car then you keep driving until you find a place to start." So that left out a lot of information... But we decide to do it anyway.

So the day of the adventure comes and we just look up on the map Weber tubing and it takes us to Morgan but that's it. So I look up Weber River and it takes us somewhere completely different. So at this point I got a little frustrated because we were driving all over the canyon in 2 different cars! So I say screw it, let's just go to East Canyon Reservoir. I know where that is and we can just hang out in the lake. But get this, on the way to the lake we found the river! So next time we can do that but we continued on to the lake.

I thought we'd have to pay to get to the reservoir but we just pulled over and followed this little trail to the water. But lakes tend to push you to where you don't want to be so we drifted a lot and had to keep paddling back. It was a lot more work then I expected and I had hiked the day before (more to come on that,) I was very tired for my soccer game. But we got burgers and drinks after so it was still a successful outing.


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