Angel Season 1

So last season that I watched on Buffy (Season 4) they spun off Angel with his own show. Originally my plan was to finish Buffy and then watch Angel but then they had Buffy go to LA and meet up with Angel and they didn't tell us what happened. So I had to watch Angel to find out. Also confession; Angel and Cordelia are my favorite anyway... So Angel leaves Sunnydale so that Buffy can have a normalish life. It doesn't really work but I get what they mean... Anyway, this season starts off with Angel doing his thing in LA when he meets a demon that has visions of people in trouble. So they team up and in the process they find Cordelia at a party. Turns out Cordelia moved to LA to be a star but it doesn't always come easily, so when she see's someone she knows she does what she can to be close to them. And then they become a private investigating business. They take clients who come to them and they find people when visions point them out. It's very different than what Buffy does but at the same time very similar. This season brings a lot of Buffy characters and a lot of new characters. There is this lawyer involved that I kind of like but at the same time I really hate him. It's very confusing (also how I felt about Christian Kane in Leverage...)This is a weird TV show but I freaking love Angel so I'll probably watch a season of Buffy then the correlating season of Angel until I finish them. And fun fact before I leave; Buffy is doing a Cascade commercial with Freddie and I love seeing them on my TV again. I love them especially together.


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