Buffy 4

Remember when I was only watching Buffy and I was like I think I'll go through this show too fast so be ready...

Well here's the next installment.

I watched this a lot slower because I pretty much stopped watching TV... I know! But the fourth season of Buffy was just as good as the others even without Angel. Pretty quickly we meet Riley who is obviously only there to be with Buffy. He's also very attractive in a very different way. Riley has that QB look over that dark and broody look. But Riley isn't as innocent as he seems... It turns out that Riley is living a double life and soon drags Buffy into it.

This season has of course; Buffy, Willow, and Xander but also we see a little of Giles, Oz, Spike, and Xander's new girlfriend Anya. But it's still very different than the other seasons. Buffy seems a lot more on her own. Everyone kind of has their own thing going on and it made it not as fun to watch. No offense to the individual characters but I watch shows like this for the comradery and not all the side stories... I do kind of like Willow's storyline but I don't think it should have as much focus in the beginning. Like Tara herself is a boring character and I don't think she should have as much screen time as she does. I do actually really like Anya, Spike, and Giles' storylines though.

Even though it's different, it's still good. And TV shows are always different when they move from high school to college. It's because characters end high school with so much promise but then because we need them to stay on the show we stick them back at home. It kind of sucks but it makes sense.


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