
This is not what any of us expected. I knew it would be a long drive there and back, but I didn't know it would be like this... So it started with me waking up way too early (6:30) to drive with my parents up to Logan to pack up my baby brother's apartment and move him to Oregon. He had 1 box of things boxed up! Yeah he was not prepared at all! So we spent about 3 hours packing up his house and putting everything in an open trailer that we then had to wrap a tarp around and a bunch of bungy cords to strap everything in. It was not aerodynamic... But we made it to Medford about 12:30AM unloaded everything and then went to get a hotel which we were settled in about 2:00. So long day... Then the next morning we slept in a little bit then went to breakfast and then jumped back in the car to go see my brother's new store which was about half hour away from his house. Then while we were already out there we drove out to Crater Lake. It was a little bit of backtracking but it was fine because we hadn't seen that part of the road in the day and it's a beautiful drive. And the Lake is incredible! But it was about 5 hours driving there and back so more time in the car. And then we dropped Dylan off and said our goodbyes and then we drove down the coast to California. We drove down to Crescent City and once again we drove through the beautiful forest but in the dark... Then when we got to our location at about 10PM it turns out there were no hotels to stay at. We went to all of them and there was no vacancies anywhere! So we looked up the next town on our way and wouldn't you know it, the fastest way was back through Oregon... So we drove back to Grant's Pass and looked for hotels and nothing was available... So we ended up back in the same hotel we stayed in the night before. One room over (this room was way worse than the previous one too.) Then we woke up around 9 got ready, went to breakfast (at the same place we had the day before) and then went on our way driving home. We only got a little ways before we started taking short cuts and speeding so that we could get home as early as possible. We were originally thinking of stopping and getting a hotel in Nevada but then decided that was stupid and to just drive home. Nevada was boring and flat and we made it home around 1:00AM. So basically 3 days of just driving. I was so excited to get home I'm not sure I ever want to go to Oregon again. I mean I definitely will some time... But I'll need to plan way better.


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