September is when everything changes...

Because of Oregon I didn't really do anything else last week to write about so I'm going to write about all the big things that September will hold because it's a lot. 1) Boston. Yeah with cheap tickets because of COVID, I took advantage and with 2 of my co-workers I am going to Boston. So far it's looking like we'll have to get a COVID test just to be allowed in to Boston... Then we will be driving a ton and I'm not really sure what we'll do but one of my friends is a local so I trust her to show me around. 2) Changing shifts and jobs for 2 months. I'm what they call a floor/row trainer. Which means I cover the people already processing. Basically if they make a mistake I research it and see if it's real and then I make sure that they are competent annually. And I work 8 days in a row and then take 6 days off. But now through October I will be doing new hire (teaching the new people how to process) and I will be working Sunday-Wednesday so I'm excited for that and I'm ready to switch it up for a little while. In November I'll be back to my 8/6 schedule. 3) When I get back from Boston I will sign and file my official divorce! That's the craziest thing I've ever said. That is the one thing in life that I thought would never happen. I've always planned my life far ahead adn I've imagined many different outcomes but in all of them I never thought I would get divorced. I don't feel bad about it, I think it's the best thing for both of us. But I never thought it would happen to me. I don't quit! I worked at dead end jobs until the company shut down. I've had jobs where they quit putting me on the schedule but I didn't quit because I don't know how to quit. It took me 7 years to get my associates but I never quit. And I guess this isn't me quiting either. It was his idea, but like I said he's right. Anyway when that get's finalized I'll tell you more about it. I officially bought my house so that isn't hanging over my head anymore. And I'm currently watching about 10 different shows that I legitimately rotate through daily. I'm rewatching Nikita and American Housewife and I'm watching the Sinner, Lucifer, Jane the Virgin, Buffy, Angel, and Unsolved Mysteries. So be ready for those.


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