The Expanse

TV show

I was told for about a year how good this show was but I'm a very busy person... And I don't watch Amazon Prime a lot. But as I was sitting at home at the beginning of a slower off week I decided now was the time. I was hooked immediately because I recognized the star of the show as a hottie on The Covenant. Now, this isn't about the Covenant so I won't talk too much about it but Steven Strait, Taylor Kitsch, Chace Crawford, Sebastian Stan all before they were known almost at all. Ok Chace and Seb had been on Gossip Girl together, Taylor had been on John Tucker Must Die, and Steven had been on Sky High (DCOM) but these guys were not famous yet. But Sebastian went on to be an Avenger and Taylor has been in plenty of movies and excellent TV shows since then while Steven had a mediocre roll a little after and then as far as I knew had fallen off the face of the earth.

But I knew him the second I saw him, he's much older and not in that ripped almost teenage body I had seen him with prior. He is still hot and muscular but he's a lot older now and it shows in good ways and bad ways. But that is just what got me excited. I kept watching and I watched 4 seasons in a little over a week. And there is a fifth season coming but I don't think we'll get that on schedule with the state of the world right now. But I always do this. I watch a show when they announce the end and then I watch it too quickly and still end up having to wait.

Anyway, lets talk about the actual show! This is about space. Years in the future after humans have colonized Mars and have created a way to support themselves by hiring "lower class" people to run their space stations. The show takes place in a time when the lower class "Belters" are tired of being used and getting no reward for their service so there is some sort of war brewing between the 3 "worlds." There are a lot of different teams and people to follow but that's where some of the excitement is. For example the second season starts off with us following a group of Martian Marines and you just know that at least one of these kids are going to be a big part of the show.

This is a show about heros and the hoops they have to jump, the sacrifices they have to make, and the bonds they form along the way. I talked a lot about Steven but Amos is my other favorite on the show. He has such an innocence about him while still being a soldier and killer, he's so dynamic it's crazy. Naomi is almost too caring and her loyalties are a little skewed but it's only because she wants what is best for her home and friends. Alex is the lone Martian of the group and that and the fact that he is the pilot does kind of keep him separate from the group but he too is loyal. He has a few moments where he tries to be loyal to Mars and the crew but it's not always very easy. But together they all work really well and I really like them.


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