Double post

I didn't write a post for Saturday and I kind of panicked a little thinking about what to write about. But then I decided not to write anything. If I didn't have anything to talk about do I need to talk? So I logged off and kept watching Gotham. I am no where near finished but I have some thoughts about it anyway. So this is a mix of writing about season 2 of Gotham and kind of a emotional journal entry. As I've mentioned, I've recently changed schedules. And it's much more challenging than I anticipated. I am drinking so much caffeine and I'm just kind of in a haze most of the time. I don't really have a problem staying up, it's more a problem of sleeping. So yesterday I had to wake up pretty early for me these days to help my friend move. I was with them for about 4 hours but I was really hoping that I could come home and take a nap after. So when I did make it home I turned on the TV but I wanted to watch a show that I had seen before but not one that I would laugh at and get really into. I've watched the first season of Gotham twice... But I haven't wanted to move on to the second season. It's a cool concept but for some reason it doesn't make me want to keep watching. It's this weird thing where when I'm watching I'm so into it and I'm following all the storylines but as soon as it's over I don't even think about it. But I started the second season. See, Shane West plays Bane in this show so I need to watch and support him because I love him. I've thought about skipping ahead and just watching his episodes but that sounds confusing. So I started second season with the thought that I could potentially just sleep through it, which I did. I slept through an episode and a half but then when I woke up I started the episode over and I watched 13 episodes just yesterday! This represents my life... I do something that I've always wanted to do or had never really thought of before and then it becomes everything to me. Everything that I do in my life that I really like doing happens because someone convinces me and then I become obsessed with it. But then as soon as I get out of the rhythm I almost forget about it. For example rock-climbing, when I started climbing I did it at least once a week for like 6 months. I talked about it constantely, all my friends did it. And now I can't even do it. So moral of the story; I hope I can keep going on this Gotham train but we'll see. And someone convince me to climb again...


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