Gratitude journal 2

Week 2 Sunday 9/13 My dad. I've already said my family but today is specifically about my dad. Basically every Sunday he grills something, usually steak but not always. I absolutely love the way my dad cooks my steak. I like it pretty rare and a lot of the time he doesn't get it exactly the way I want it but he always trys and if he does mess up he always does better the next time. It's just really nice of him. Monday 9/14 Massage. I got a massage today by my best friend and it was exactly what I needed after the stress of the divorce and boxing and soccer and the early morning plane ride last week. I even tried a new kind today. I had a shiatsu when I normally just do swedish and it was fantastic. I cried during the massage just because it was an emotional release. And then when I came into work I was still super emotional and almost cried at work. Tuesday 9/15 Feelings. Believe it or not, I've really appreciated the emotions that the massage brought out. I spent so much time either pretending that I don't have emotions or hiding them when they actually do come up. So now I'm trying really hard to open up and be vulnerable and I had a moment last night that showed that it is possible for me to be vulnerable. Wednesday 9/16 Work? Ok this is a weird one but today I had therapy and a doctor appointment and all of it was free through my work. ARUP has it's own clinic and everything that goes through the clinic is completely free. Not meaning I have insurance so insurance pays, it doesn't even take my insurance. I get that working in general sucks but I am grateful for a company that I can get cool/ health conscious rewards at my job. Thursday 9/17 Weekends! It's my weekend! Well in 45 minutes I'll start my weekend and while I'm still going to come in and process, it's all overtime so I still think it's better than normal working. And if I get through this I'll have plenty of money and I'll feel a lot better about my weekend. I'm hoping to get to the lake on Friday and then I'll help my friend move on Saturday but I'll have other friends helping too so it shouldn't be too bad. Plus I'm fairly lazy so I probably won't help that much anyway... Friday 9/18 Lakes. I went to the lake with a friend. We were going to rent kayaks but it turns out that they weren't renting anymore this season so we just walked around the lake and explored a little bit of nature. They have these yurts that you can rent and I want to rent one so bad. I'm even cool waiting until winter. But anyway today it was beautiful and even though the lake was very cold it was cool to just explore. Saturday 9/19 Friends. I know I've already used this one but I helped V move today and yeah moving isn't fun, I learned a new game and had pizza and pretzels and just had a day off with close co-workers. It's a little weird because I'd never hung out at either of the houses that I was at today but it still felt natural. Like hanging out with these people is something that I could do all the time.


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