Salem Tarot

Reader: Michelle Location: Enchanted Desire: Peace of mind from life's failures? So this store is my kind of store. I walk in and felt comfortable immediately. I wasn't sure I wanted a reading but the energy kind of talked me into it. So I signed up and as luck would have it, she was ready to start a new session. But before I could meet her she had to "cleanse her space." I only signed up for 15 minutes but she said she didn't worry about time. That ended up being a good thing because I'm not easy to read... And sure enough I walk into the room and she's like "why are you sad? You have something holding you back but as soon as you take car of that you won't be sad anymore." So then I told her about my divorce and how I hadn't actually filed yet because everytime I think I'm ready, something else comes up. So she starts my reading. I haven't seen a reading like this ever. She pulled so many cards and she had a pattern but I really didn't know her pattern. So then she has like 30 cards sitting on the table and we're socially distant so I can barely tell what these cards are. And after she looks at all of them she starts moving them into different piles and she says "this pile is about your finances and you're about to come into a large sum of money." (Typical fortune teller stuff except that I am working on renting out my house and have taken a large sum out of my retirement and I'm about to get a bonus at work.) "And this is your love life, you will be in a committed relationship again soon. You may even know him already. (Also the most famous fortune teller line but she didn't say anything about marriage which is good because I don't think I want that.) "And you're going to get more career opportunities (yep she hit all the troups except that I have started thinking about next move and like stated I started 2 additional side hustles this year) and beware because I'll get so many offers but not all of them will be right." "And there are kids in your future, they may not be your children by birth but you will feel like they are." (I'm over 30 of course I pretend like I've never even thought of kids.) "And all of this is waiting on the otherside of this door that you can't actually close even though you really want to. None of this is going to happen until your divorce is finalized and you can move on. And it's going to keep getting harder and harder until you close the door." (Yeah I'm not the only one who gets a say when that door is closed. There is the spouse and the notory and the court workers and the judge!) I want to say this was just a typical reading. She said all the things people want her to say, and she did, it was. But my eyes started to burn as she was saying it. I almost started crying. And then she picked up her other deck and did it all again. And got all the same cards to show how right she is. Now I know that these people know how to read people and what to say to people but she won me over. I need to start saving money and I need to be more open with people. But none of that will do any good until I can get that divorce done. Sorry honey but waiting and putting off the work isn't helpful for anyone. Also the reading was well over 15 minutes...


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