Uncover Satanic Panic

Podcast This one actually made me really upset. Like I get that people are afraid of evil and they think that if they don't understand something they think it's evil but that doesn't mean it's ok to falsely imprison someone or worse kill them. There is a quote in the podcast that says it's like the witch trials all over again. And I agree with that and feel emotionally attached to the all the victims. This podcast is from Canada and they mostly focus on one town but we know that it took place many places in the 80s and 90s. This story starts out by talking to a cop who first took the report of child abuse, which is tragic and never acceptable but it just escalated from there. They traced it back to the day care place and then sent out letters to all the other parents asking if any of their kids had been abused. Have you ever had your parents ask if you had been abused? Trust me, they don't believe you if you tell them no. It gets awkward and you start wanting to say anything to get out of the room. It's like any false confession... So eventually these kids started talking. And it led to arrests of the family who ran this day care. Now obviously if this was really happening then it's disgusting and they deserve to spend the rest of their lives in prison but there was never any evidence. It was just based on the things the kids were saying. And they were saying insane things. They were talking about sacrifing babies and pets, they were talking all sorts of abuse, and they were talking about kidnapping for days at a time. Wouldn't the parents have noticed if their kids would have been kidnapped for days at a time? If there were signs of the physical abuse the kids were claiming? If all the neighborhood cats were missing? In my mind there is no way any of this was happening because there is no proof. This was mass hysteria like the witch trials or like the protests now. Humans have a way of taking their safety for granted and then as soon as something happens they freak out and try to eliminate everything that is different than themselves. And as someone who is branching out from what they've always known it terrifies me and saddens me all at the same time. Just because we don't mold to what society wants us to be doesn't mean we don't want to be accepted.


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