Buffy 5
This season got surreal. Buffy was all out of sorts. We get introduced to a new sister, we have relationship turmoil, we have other family turmoil. There was a lot of it that I didn't know if I should believe it or not. Towards the end of the season the cast kind of gets lost in a fog that lasts until the end of the season. I barely remember the beginning of the season because the end was so dark. But I will say the whole season is trippy.
I came to the end and was ready to keep going all day but then I realized I had to watch the correlating Angel season first and I'm a little bummed. But it affects Spike in a big way so I had to know what was happening. And I love Angel so it wasn't exactly torture... But I was a little put off because the finally of this season was a big one and I don't know how it returns for more.
Speaking of, Spike takes on a bigger role and I kind of love it. You get to see how he was as a human and how his prior life has shaped him. I loved getting Spike's backstory because it makes so much sense. He's actually a good complex character.
Michelle Trachtenberg joins the cast and adds a level of teenage confusion to the mix. Her character is also very complex (even for a teenager) and she plays it so well. I'm excited to see who Dawn becomes on the show. Oh and Giles changes his role a little bit too. We see a whole different side to him that is a little scary (even compared to his crooning days or that time he dated Buffy's mom.)
Everyone else is really coming into their own as people and that is why I think we let shows run as long as they do. It's fun seeing people grow up on screen. I've watched TV shows that have probably gone on too long just because I like to see the character growth even when the story starts lacking.
Not saying that Buffy's story is lacking, just saying that I really like the people that Willow and Xander are growing into.
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