
TV show This show was weird. It has a lot of American Horror Story paralels which makes sense because it's Ryan Murphey and Sarah Paulson. I'm not the biggest fan of Sarah but I get that a lot of people really appreciate her and I appreciate her acting abilities, but she's not for me. And this show was like that. There was a lot of different storylines that I could barely follow and all of it was just so boring. And other than Sarah Cynthia Nixon is the only star power on the show. Which doesn't really matter but actually kind of does for me... Thank goodness this is a short series because I did watch it in a day and then immediately watched something more exciting. This was a twisted show but still so boring. It's only 8 episodes so I don't really have much to say but this is about a nurse who begs to get hired at an asylum for a reason we don't know at first but find out as soon as it becomes relevant. Only later we find out that her nursing certifications aren't necessarily what we want in our nurses... Which I think is kind of triggering in this time... I mean I'm watching Grey's Anatomy while writing this so I'm a little impartial but it was also a different time. This show seemed promising but it just missed the mark. I did not like it.


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