
I know I took my vacation at a weird time because I have to go back to work for a few days before Christmas but I'm only working 3 days so it's nice to get a short week to recover after. This week off was very different... Obviously I went to St. George but that was technically the weekend before. When I came back, I spent Monday working on the house stuff which is done now. And on Tuesday I met a boy... At a coffee shop. Which seemed like a big exciting move for me... But after talking about myself and my ex-husband for 4 hours I decided that I suck at dating and we've barely talked since so it sounds like he agrees. Then Wednesday I didn't even leave the house but I worked from home on my side hustle so that was acceptable. Then Thursday I went for a drive through some canyons with a friend from work, I hadn't ever hung out with him outside of work so that was a change for me. Usually I try to avoid hanging out with new people but I really wanted to embrace another side of me. Later that night I was just watching TV and I decided to go through the people who liked me on Facebook dating I found some matches and talked to a few people and it was typical. Guys only talk until they get their bootycall for the night and then they stop. But one guy asked to call me. That was new for me but I agreed and we ended up talking for 2 hours! And we made plans to hang out the next night. But I told him it was only a possibility. I got my hair colored and I thought that it would take too long and I wasn't about to go meet up with a stranger at 10:00 at night! And we did take a little longer than I was planning so I was really starting to make excuses and I took a picture to send to the guy but I didn't send it because I didn't want him to know I was done. Then I was playing on my phone and it was about to turn to 9:00 and I was like forget it so I got up and got dressed and texted him asking where we were meeting. I drove all the way to Layton (which was about 35 minutes) which I would normally not do, but I was trying to be brave and go outside my comfort zone. So we went to this Christmas village thing and walked around but we were only there for about 30 minutes and then we actually went back to his place (also made me pretty anxious...) but we were vibing so I agreed and we cuddled and watched stupid playstation videos... Yeah lame but I didn't hate it! We made out a little but nothing too crazy, then I drove home and got there around 2:30. Today I went to lunch with one of my best friend's husband's which could be considered weird but we were friends too and it was pretty normal. It was fun although also a little out of my comfort zone... but it was my last day before I went back to work so I still had to take advantage. And then I came home and helped my mom tie a quilt. I'm not ready to go back to work but I don't really have a lot of other options right?


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