Red Sparrow

I didn't think I would like this show. Jennifer Lawrence playing a Russian spy? Sounded more cheesy than exciting... But I was wrong! JLaw was kind of perfect. She plays this badass girl who just notices everything and thinks everything out before acting. She ends up basically unraveling the whole Russian game plan. There is a part where she totally destroys another "sparrow" and it's kind of the biggest power play I've ever seen. Anyway, she starts off as Russia's premier ballerina and we later find out that her entire life revolves around the dance company that she works for. Like they own her. And when the time comes that she can't dance anymore she needs to find some other way to support her and her mother. Yes they get her by using her mother as collateral... what could go wrong? The other part to this movie is the fantastic Joel Edgerton. I love him in the few things I've seen so I was pretty excited to see him. And they start this will they, won't they relationship dynamic. I actually couldn't tell if she was playing him or not... Jennifer is kind of strange to me. She tried to be this really funny girl in real life but she plays really serious roles. Like she's good at what she does but everything she does is really quiet and focused. American Hustle and Silver Linings were a little different but she was still pretty serious... Obviously I haven't seen everything she's done but that is what I've noticed. But with and without all of that I actually really liked this movie. I didn't finish it in one watch but I did go home and rent it so I could finish it the same night. That is a big deal to me.


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