
Movie Gal Gadot is an actual queen. I love her, I love Chris Pine too but not in the same way... he's looking old but his voice was so hot. Um for some reason I don't like DC movies. I mean this was the first movie in a year that I've seen in the theater so it was a little exciting. And the movie was exciting...? I don't know how good it is. Like the story was alright, I didn't really understand all of it. Also Kristin Wiig was the best part of the show. The guy I was with apparently is a nerd because he seemed to know the story... So basically the show is about a magical crystal! Yeah Citrine was the basis of this show! I loved that. Diana's story line was pretty boring, but obviously Wonder Woman is fantastic so it's a confusing draw. I don't really know what to say about the movie that won't spoil it but it's a pretty decent girl power movie.


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