
Obviously this show has a lot going for it. It's a Shonda Rhimes production for one. Also the stars are very pretty. And I think we all like the thought of the old classic romance. It's Pride and Predjudice, Wuthering Heights, even Phantom of the Opera. A simpler time when dating was a transaction and therefore in a way easier... I think that's why I like it anyway. I'm not for arranged marriages or anything and I'm definitely not into woman being traded like cattle but dating is hard. So the show starts out telling us about this cute family who all get along are all part of society at the same time. But the person who tells the story is a big part of the show. There is a scribe of some sort, who narrates the whole show. Yep just like Gossip Girl! Yes this is Gossip Girl and Pride and Predjudice combined! But the best part is that Julie Andrew's plays the scribe/narrator. See like I said, this show has a lot of great qualities. We start by meeting the social people including the main stars. From that we get to see a few other couples match up and spoiler, eventually our stars. Naturally there is the "will they, won't they" game but it's when that game ends that the whole show should have ended. I got so frustrated watching the last few episodes. These people are so petty! They're almost worse than Gossip Girl... Anyway this show was really short. I'm not sure if they'll have another season or not but as of right now it's only 9 episodes and I did not understand the hype.


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