Wuthering High School

As I was looking up this movie to make sure that's what it's called I learned that the popular girl in the show is Francesca Eastwood. I don't know who that is but I know both of her parents! Yep Clint Eastwood and Frances Fisher. Yeah she is basically Hollywood royalty, well can I still say that if Frances is British? Eh yeah sounds like she didn't live there too long and both of her parents are American. Anyway we're talking about Francesca. I'm far more interested in her personal life because she wasn't even the star in this movie but I didn't think anyone else was very good in this movie... None of these people are even listed on Wiki. James Caan is the only one I recognized. I thought it was boring and unnecessarily dramatic. I get that the story is adapted from a very popular classic book but I don't think this is how it was supposed to be told... Take away the pettiness of the characters, that might be part of the original book. But these people were all so boring. I mean the whole love story seemed so forced. These kids were friends who went 10 years without talking but they would meet up and hook up when they were what 6? That can't be true. And then one night together in the same house everything comes flooding back? They were childhood friends! That's not romantic love! And then they are connected at the hip for the rest of their lives? The Heath in this adaptation is attractive and very volitile which is the point but he's very confusing in it too. Cathy wants so hard to be seen but it's difficult in high school especially when your group of friends decide that you aren't worth their time anymore. She has a guy who likes her but as we know the people that we like never like us back. I get the point of this movie but I don't think it delivered. Maybe it wasn't supposed to, it was made for TV.


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