About Time

I am surprised that it took me so long to watch this movie. It's a fantastic movie! You have the oldest Weasley boy playing this 21 year old kid who finally leaves his home town for the first time to move to London. Well first we get to meet his wonderfully, British family. His parents are so cute and funny and his sister while a little weird seems like a delightful person! Then we get to meet his roommate who is Mr. Collins on Pride and Prejudice and while not a minister still a character... He's very upset at how his life has turned out. And then we meet Mary. Oh wait before meeting Mary and before Tim even moving to London we get to meet Margot Robbie's character Charlotte. Obviously she's beautiful and perfect and Tim falls for her immediately but she does not fall for him the same. He's awkward and too tall for his frame... Ok now back to Mary. Mary is played my Rachel McAdams who is also perfect and beautiful. And Tim is sure that she is the one for him so he innocently stalks her and does anything he possibly can to find her after he messes up meeting her because oh Tim and his dad can time travel! Yep that is the secret of the movie. Just kidding it's basically the first thing we find out. But the real gem of this movie is how this sweet innocent awkward boy is chasing this girl who most would think is way out of his league but she likes him anyway. This movie is that perfect, sweet yet still funny British show. These characters are so fun and relatable but also so much cooler than anyone I know. It's weird to describe but I absolutely loved this movie.


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