Life, Am I right?

I missed a couple posts this week... It's not because I was partying or working or doing anything really important. It's just because I wasn't doing anything... March used to be a fun month for me. I was married in March and there were a ton of my friend's birthdays in March (including my ex's) So yeah March used to remind me of all the things I loved. But last year March changed significantly. On March 6 my husband and I broke up. The next week the world shut down. However I was working that week so I couldn't move out of our house until March 17 and I moved in with my parents... The next morning I was woken up by a massive (for Utah) earthquake. Then the 16th is my anniversary (we did not spend it together- I was at work luckily.) Then his birthday is the 25. So this year I was able to focus on and remember how all of that went down and it seemed like every day there was a reminder of how fucked up my life had gotten. Don't get me wrong, it's 100% for the best. I know that and everyone around me knows that. Oh also this year on the 19th I found out that the ex moved in with his girlfriend... So that was fun and confusing. So with all of that going on I decided to get on Hinge for the first time ever. I uploaded my profile on Wednesday the 17 (the morning after celebrating my wedding anniversary with some of my friends.) I had pretty good results that day. It was fun to just message back and forth at first. Then the next day I was chatting up this guy that I never thought I could be into but at first he was saying all the right things. And then he just switched it and started talking all this BDSM stuff! Now I'm new to dating and exploring and all that so I was humoring him, seeing if I could be into any of that... But I couldn't. He took it too far too fast. So I was out within a day of talking. The next day I had another guy saying all the right things. We started making plans for that night! Then he asked if I lived alone... I live with my parents currently so I said I do not. And he unmatched with me instantly! I call him serial killer vibes now. So instead that night I went and hung out with a guy from high school. Yeah I hadn't seen him in 14 years! So we caught up, that was fun. We even made out in his kitchen... The next day I continued to talk to people but I wasn't in it after those 2 guys. I had a few guys I was making plans with but a lot less eagerly. I ended up just eating a homemade brownie and taking a quick nap while watching Disney's Descendant's all 3 of them. Yeah it was a lazy day but it was also pouring! Then on Sunday I cleaned a bunch and then went over to my girl Alix's house where she made me dinner and it was delicious and I love her and I want to hangout with her all the time! But we're both busy. And I got a text from the high school friend so I went over there instead of watching a long movie with Alix and her other friend. I could not focus on Batman right then. Then on Monday I did almost nothing, I was so lazy. I watched To all the Boys I'd Loved Before. All 3 of them... And now I've been working since Tuesday. That will probably be my next post. A rant about the patriarichy.


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