Teen Wolf

Ok so as you know I recently watched Jane the Virgin and later in the series she dates Tyler Posey. And I was into it, I was into him. And I didn't know much about him, I'd seen him on Lipsync Battle but I was still confused because I though Dylan O'Brien was the star of Teen Wolf (which I had never watched as I wasn't big on MTV at the time) I was wrong though Tyler Posey is the Alpha and Dylan is just the best friend. But watching him on Jane the Virgin, I was like this guy is hot, he's cool, he's open (which even though I'm not really, I find it awesome in other people.) So I decided I was going support his career. And start from the beginning. Ok so this isn't the beginning, he's been acting since 2000 and he's been a pretty big characters in a few other shows. But even though I absolutely love Billy Ray Cyrus I'm not going to try to watch Doc right now... Plus I'm attracted to Tyler I don't need to watch him as a child. Watching him play a 16 year old was trippy enough for me. I plan to watch Scream next though. However Tyler isn't the only person in this show. Let's move on to Dylan. I never thought Dylan was that attractive but now I am obsessed with him. I absolutely love Stiles, he is the best character on the show. He's so attractive and he actually fixes everything! I had such anxiety when he disappeared for an episode. SPOILER: He literally disappeared and no one could remember he existed... I hated it. For one thing he's pretty erratic and clearly some sort of attention deficit but I love his string things. I just love the way his mind works plus as stated, he's hot. Tyler Hoechlin is also very attractive and at first is this very sexy lone wolf very dark character but then he opens up and finds his place in the world, loses the chip on his shoulder and I become obsessed with his smile. Deputy Parrish is also very attractive but I don't care about his character as much. He's just not inner circle you know. Oh and Colton Hayes is totally my type! And I missed him when he went to Arrow. And Isaac really grew on me and I almost want to go watch the Originals again to see if I just missed something about him. I didn't like Liam in the show, he bugged me but Theo is a good one too. I liked him in Pretty Little Liars. Then we have the dads too. I'm not a fan of Detective McCall in anything I've seen him in. (ok I appreciated him a little in Scandal...) But Sheriff Stilinski is fantastic and Argent is my favorite pop in. And I totally support his love story to... Now for all the strong yet not always as constant women. Lydia is probably my favorite character other than Stiles. She starts out as this girl who is so focused on popularity she plays dumb so the hot jock doesn't feel inferior to her. But then all it takes is Stiles saying he notices her to start bringing out all her gifts. Plus she is also so pretty! Alison is likable, especially when she finds out her family secrets. I didn't like her and Scott. Malia throws me off because sometimes I love her other times I don't get her. But she's very pretty and I can definitely get behind her style. Kira is my probably my 3rd favorite character even though I know I wouldn't be friends with her in real life. At least until she becomes a lacrose player. I loved when that happened. And naturally Melissa McCall is my queen. I loved her and I don't think I normally like her in shows... But I just completely loved her outlook on everything. Ok now that I've gone over the important parts (the actors- who cares about the storyline) I will briefly tell you about the actual show. We start off with 2 teenage boys being somewhere they shouldn't be. Stiles was clearly the leader back then, Scott was awkward and had asthma (what a loser.) Anyway something happened that night that changed their lives and the town they lived in forever. The rest of the series is Scott growing and expanding his pack while they battle all the other weird things that happen when you mess with the supernatural. I really do appreciate the storyline. It seems edgy since it was on MTV and not on the CW like most of these kind of shows. It also goes for 7 seasons and honestly I would watch more. But unlike other teen shows, they actually separate after high school. Ha I should have done a St. Patricks day post but here it is.


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