
This is Amy Pohler coming back as "the cool mom" I don't really know any of the teenagers in the show but Clarke Greg and Ike Barinholtz are some friendly adults in the show and Patrick Schwarzenegger is the hot guy of the show. A general breakdown of the show is high school student Vivian is trying to write an essay for her college application but the question stumps her... Until she sees what her mom was up to when she was in high school. Turns out Amy Pohler was a total political rebel who spent a lot of her life fighting for female rights. So when Vivian finds this out and sees how things are at her school she becomes inspired and writes a zine about the sexism that totally controls the school. The movement takes off and other girls get involved and Vivian eventually becomes a more confident person herself so in a way that is the story of the show. I haven't seen Hadley Robinson in anything else but she is in things, she was in Little Women with Emma Watson but not one of the sisters. And she's in Utopia but I haven't seen that either. But she was fantastic in this movie. She's one of those girls who can be plain but also when she is really happy and smiling she becomes absolutely beautiful. So as she comes out of the shadows we really see her grow and become the person she really wants to be. And she creates a girl group around her which gives her even more permission to be brave and bold. I love this group! I think anytime you can get people who wouldn't normally get together on a mission it automatically becomes more fun. So this movie is all about female empowerment but it takes place in high school which adds a whole other dynamic to the fight because everyone knows everything in high school and it's very annoying.


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