Murder Amoung the Mormons

As a prior mormon this is a story that I was somewhat familiar with but I did not know it ended how it did. Makes sense though as it was before my time and they clearly tried to cover it up. It was embarrassing to them. Since this is a documentary I will tell you some basics about what happened. Mark Hoffman was a very talented forger and when he found a way to make money off it he started doing it more and more. However eventually like things do, they caught up to him. He ended up making some sales that he couldn't deliver on and instead of just losing out on the money he devised a plan to make bombs. According to him he didn't want these bombs to kill people, they were more like experiments and distractions... Yeah sure Mark. He actually got away with it at first. But spoiler, he's in prison now... This was another short series so this is all I really have but it's kind of a cool story so you should watch it.


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