Dating disaster

So as I'm sure I've mentioned, I've been on Hinge. I'm terrible at stuff like this. Humble brag I get a lot of matches (I know most women do) and I talk to most of them but when it comes to meeting I'm not good at planning for that. So I'm generally talking to 4 or 5 people at once but all year I've only actually met 3 people. Those are terrible odds… Meanwhile, I'm randomly end up just hanging out with a few people that I already know. So it all seems pointless. But I really like meeting people and I really don't want to be alone all the time. So, do you see my dilemma! So here I am basically playing a game, like I kind of feel like I'm playing some kind of sims dating game. So is it worth the time? Or am I just wasting time when I could be accomplishing or focusing on something better? These are the thoughts on my mind. But at the same time I think I need to learn how to date in this world. When I used to date before I was married it was "innocent" meaning a simple dinner maybe a movie, if you had someone fancy it could mean a show or ha mini-golf! In fact if I was ever asked what I wanted to do I said batting cages… But now it's lets go out for drinks and "see where the night leads." I think we try to date too fast these days. I think we need to chill more and really take things step by step. But I feel like that is not expected and if you do want to slow things down you need to explicitly state it and hope they agree. I have a friend who is telling people she wants to "dry date" and I love that but I don't want to say that especially because I do want sex but with someone I get to know first. But I don't know how to make that happen!


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