Never Have I Ever

Mindy Kaling produced this and I was totally sleeping on it. I did add it to my list pretty quickly but I didn't watch it because I don’t need to watch the teenage shows! But I actually totally do… I love them so much! And this one was so stupid funny. It's about this girl who has a major tragedy happen in front of everyone. So it manifested by her legs deciding they didn't work anymore. But turns out that was just temporary and by the time the next school year started she could walk again. So she decided that it was a sign and she was supposed to make this her year. She wanted to be popular and the first step was finding her and her friends boyfriends. Which she had already picked out… But then, the hottest guy at school looks at her and she develops another plan and they kind of become friends and it starts looking promising but in the most relatable way things always happen and get in the way and it just doesn't work out the way we plan. But the nice thing about Devi is that she has a solid family. Even her beautiful cousin lives with her. Eventually something happens where she ends up moving out of her place and into the mansion of one of her classmates but their relationship is very strange. See they're rivals and even had to divi up all the clubs at school so they wouldn't have to be in the same club. Teenagers am I right! So how they can stand to live there even for a week or two is weird… But that's an interesting part of the show so I won't spoil it for you. She ends up connecting in a different way to her cousin and mother and at the end things work out, not totally how she planned but they do work out. This show was funny, sweet, real and actually totally relatable. I am only mad it took me so long to watch it.


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