Chase Darkness with Me

Another non-fiction book but this one is true crime. I've been following Billy Jensen since the Golden State Killer was caught. I had heard about the book he released in the name of at the time recently deceased Michelle McNamara. Billy had almost an instant interest in true crime but as a journalist, he couldn't make money doing that. For a long time he kind of did it for free while writing articles on anything and everything. This book is about how he chased the solve for most of his life. When he moved to California he connected with Michelle and that was kind of the catalyst for him finally making a real name for himself. I am so confident that he has spent more money trying to solve these cases than he ever has with his writing. But isn't that such an inspiration, he saw a need and he did what he could to fill the need. Currently I know of 2 podcasts that Billy hosts and although I can only find time to listen to one of them, I really want him to finally be able to make a living doing what he really needs and wants to do. After the last blog post I wrote where I let a lot of emotion into the post I feel like this will be lacking... Here's the thing, Billy is a journalist so I feel like even writing about him is weird. I'm not going to tell his stories because he has already told them multiple times and with way better writing than I ever could. This book was a different kind of inspiration for me. I saw this as a guy who fulfilled his destiny no matter how hard it was and how little care other people seemed to have for what he was doing, he did it anyway. He is a guy who saw what he could do to help people heal so he did it. I find that completely awesome and inspirational and I really want to try to find my way in the world. I want to help people, not exactly in the way that Billy did but I want to find my calling and work as hard as he did to accomplish what he did. The 2 podcasts that he has (that I know of) are The First Degree and Jensen and Holes; Murder Squad. Both are fantastic if you like true crime. I listen to The First Degree as I am both fascinated and terrified knowing that I could be murdered at any time.


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