First vacation of the summer

I went on another vacation last week, It was very chill but kind of perfect. We really didn't do much but that was exactly what I wanted to do. I had 2 plans going into the week and those were paddle boarding and hiking (the hiking we actually skipped but I wanted to skip it.) From the drive down to St. George, Veronica and I talked and ranted about the world around us. It was 3 hours about why men still seem in charge with some complaints about work and having to work as much as we do and still having no money… It was a fun drive that only turned political when we stopped in Beaver to get ice cream… We got to St. George and couldn't find our AirBNB. It was so annoying, it was in a group of condos that were all in alphabetical order and we were in X. So we drive the long way around thinking that we can take a mini tour while we drive. ABCDEFGHIJKLZY was all we found… How weird is that! So we park and walk around thinking we must have missed a street or something. We did not, after wandering around 3 times we see a building across the street that says M. So we look across the street and sure enough MNOPQRSTUV and X was the very last one. We had no warning that the same complex was on both sides of the street. It was so complicated and annoying but we found it and unpacked the car and then went grocery shopping. I actually really liked that we did this. We were lazy enough that it was kind of fantastic to just always have easy food there and we only went out for food 2 other times that trip. And we went cheap… hotdogs for dinner and PB&J for lunches with pancakes for breakfast. Easy and convenient. So we got back from the store and we made dinner and then went for a real tour of the complex. Then we went back and watched a movie and fell asleep. The next day we were totally chill to start. The plan was to go right to the lake so we can kind of be done by the time I had therapy but by the time we ate and packed up everything it was 10:30 we would have gotten there after 11 and I had therapy at 12. So we decided to wait and then my friend Jon asked if we wanted to go to lunch so we decided that we could go after. So I finished my book and started another book while I waited. And then after therapy went to lunch and then Gunlock like planned. I was very nervous though, I thought it would be too crowded. It was not! There were like 5 other groups there. It was perfect! Then we went home and made more hotdogs and showered and watched another movie. Chill Friday we were planning on going to Pine Valley to hike and explore but we decided that we didn't want to do that so we slept in and went shopping at the mall and then went to the pool instead. It was very relaxing and I was able to read more and I found some cute clothes from my favorite brand. We then came back showered and got all dressed up to go to dinner and dinner was alright but the food was kind of eh… But then my favorite part, we played Rumikub. I beat Veronica so easily, she was moving tiles around and getting very creative and I didn't need to do any of that. Then we played Phase 10 and I completely destroyed her. There was 1 time that she ran out of cards first. Then I taught her Nertz but that is hard to play with only 2 people… I never get to play games though so I was having so much fun and bonus, I was winning. However, it does not seem that Veronica will want to play games with me anymore…


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