New Format?

Ok so I have stopped watching TV. It's not even on purpose at this time I just have other things to do. It's actually fantastic and I feel so good about this decision. However, that is a big part of this blog. But the name of this blog is Mandy Knows Best, right? So it should be a good thing that as I evolve so should this blog. I think it has but I'm ready to evolve again. I'm not saying I'll never write about TV and movies again but I clearly won't have the content if I stick to those right now. I might change it again pretty soon but for now I think I'm going to do a life update on Wednesday and a tarot pull on Saturday. See about 2 weeks ago I started doing this as a journal prompt and I really like it, so I've decided to try something similar here. I think I can hold the space to make the card pull less focused on me and more focused on a general public. Obviously, this won't apply to everyone here because I don't really know who my audience is... But we well see how this goes. Even though I will give you a more specific update on Wednesday, I figured I can tell you what has pushed me towards this new direction. The journaling is a big part but also my emotions are at an all time high. Like all of them... So there are 4 planets in retrograde right now and we are not out of the Mercury retroshade either. So basically half the universe is moving backwards... That is a lot. They are the farther planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. Now I don't know a lot about what all these planets mean but just know that Pluto was another name for Hades, aka lord of the underworld... So yeah he's got heavy energy. Saturn is my ruling planet so that one affects me a little heavier than other people. Neptune apparently rules anxiety and dreams. Once again, there is a lot more to it but just those few things seem to be triggering a lot in me and I don't think I"m the only one. So Monday night I had a couple dreams about death. They were terrible and clearly anxiety induceded because also Tuesday night I somehow bit my lip so much that it hasn't healed yet and it hurts and it's ugly and possibly the worst thing to happen to me this year! Like I'm seeing a very cool, very special guy and I can't even kiss him because it hurts! And we went a whole week without seeing each other so I really want to kiss him! Another thing that happened recently is that my phone updated on it's own, without my permission and it messed with my podcast app! But last week since Mercury is "back to normal" I decided it was time to get a new phone. I mean, it's over 4 years old... So I took my mom over to the store so she can field any plan upgrade questions and I don't have to make decisions, and we both got new phones. So with this new phone I basically cleared my podcast app and started over. So today I have been listening to all the most relevant podcasts! I started Crime Junkie because I liked Ashley Flower's other podcast Full Body Chills so much. And then I jumped right into Ghost of a Podcast because apparently I haven't actually listened to an episode since my friend told me about a specific episode that sounded like it was about me. So while I'm here learning about all the shit that has been going on in the universe I decided that I can change, in fact, it's time for me to change! So hopefully this works out for all of us.


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