Week off from TV Part 2

So on Tuesday I woke up early and went to the lake with Lish, Chala and all of their wonderfully adorable dogs. It was an adventure though not what I call fun... Charles does not like the paddle board... But he's so cute on it! So Lish barely even got on the lake before deciding that this was not going to work. So she took Charles and the paddleboard back up to the car and put it away. After Chala and I had gone out a little bit we decided that we would go back and just hangout on the beach with them. Lish even made us snacks! How cute is that? So we ate them while the dogs ran around us and got everything so freaking dirty. It was an adventure. I love all those dogs so much though so it was still fun. Oh I also got a couple texts from some guy that I went on a couple dates back in February maybe? I couldn't believe he texted me again. He yelled at me and told me not to call him again because I didn't answer his calls! Um sorry, your phone doesn't text? Ha I know that's petty but I didn't like him anyway so I used that as an excuse. So I was telling Lish about how I was talking to the roommate but I was anxious because he didn't seem that flirty so there was no way he was really into me and this was just Alix pushing him to talk to me... Lish said that wasn't the case, she had asked Alix and she was going to show me their texts but then she reread them and was like nevermind it might be all Alix! So yeah I was anxious until a little bit after I got home and Roommate texted me and was so sweet and nice. But I did have to push back our date because the cool girl from the fire was hosting a sound bowl meditation at the park and it sounded like a place I needed to be. He totally understood though and we just pushed our date back to Thursday. Anyway, after paddleboarding I decided that I didn't want to sit downstairs in my dungeon so I set up my speaker upstairs in the much warmer front room and I mostly played on my phone and listened to podcasts. And then I remembered that I really should be reading so I switched the speaker to music and started reading instead. I read until basketball started and then turned that on and watched and read during the commercial breaks. Oh yeah Roommate is all about the NBA so I now get to bring out my love of sports and basketball and I know it kind of seems like I'm being one of those girls who just focuses on what the guy likes but it's not really like that. I love basketball and I have really missed following it. So this is so fun for me. And the Jazz won game 1 so that's awesome! Wednesday I didn't have anything to do all morning so I carried on and just read all day. I finished the book I started in St. George and I read a whole book about Sagittarian energy and I was feeling great. Oh I had the dogs all around me too so added calm for the day. I was already feeling so zen and then Lish said she wasn't going to the meditation and I kind of panicked a little because I didn't want to go alone so I texted Alix and she said she was still going so I asked if I could drive over to her house and we drive over together (also that meant a good chance I could see Roommate.) So we were able to talk the whole way there, while waiting for the meditation to start and again the whole way home. I really like Alix and I really like having one on one moments like this with friends. And then sure enough I finished the night by watching a basketball game with roommate. And we talked a lot and in my opinion really vibed so in that moment I decided what I wanted out of this date we went on last night. And I told myself that I was going in as friends with potential because even if nothing else happened we could be very good friends. We get each other and that isn't common for me. Now onto the big day. So once again on Thursday I have nothing to do all morning. I thought I had therapy but it turns out I had accidentally cancelled both sessions instead of just one of the half hour segments. Oops. Oh well, I checked to make sure I have another one in 2 weeks. I'll be fine. So I layed in bed until almost 11! I woke up and did my hair and my makeup for my date because I had this theory that I didn't want to have fresh makeup on because we were starting out as friends and friends don't need fresh makeup! I really like that I did this too. I'm brilliant... Anyway. I did go get waxed and I had someone new do it and I really liked her but at first she was quick and efficient and it actually really hurt but it was quick so I let it go. The quicker we get done, the quicker the pain stops all together right? Then I came home and went grocery shopping with my mom. Actually saw this guy that I had a real crush on back in 2009 so now I can never go to that Costco again! Just kidding, it wouldn't be that awkward to have to talk to him. And then it was time to focus on Lunar Abundance. That's the journal Lish, Chala and I are all working on. So I finished reading it and got ready to really start journaling. I should have started right there but I was waiting for the actual moon. There is way too much to work on in just one day. It is so much to journal! I'm still only about halfway and I feel like I've been journaling all day. Then I turned on the Nets/Bucks game and it was a messy game. I told myself that I would get ready at half time but I couldn't wait. I was too excited. But I did put it off until the end of the first quarter. Then Roommate came and picked me up (smooth gentlemanly move that I approved of - because I knew him a little and trusted him) and we went to the bar to watch the Jazz game. The first little bit I was pretty awkward, I didn't know what to expect so I was quiet and weird but some time in the middle of the second quarter it was like the game didn't even matter. We started talking and we didn't stop until the game ended. He told me about himself, I would interject with things about myself, and we would go back and forth. We even talked a little bit about Dancing with the Stars (that he knows almost nothing about) but I got to show off my weird memory. It was so great and so much fun and then he texted me later after dropping me off saying really nice things about the first time we met and it made a lot of my reservations leave. And today he's actually been more flirty and I am totally here for it! He invited me over tonight to watch the games but I have soccer so I had to decline. But I am pretty confident that it will happen again. I don't remember ever having this feeling before and to solidify the feelings I saw a hummingbird in my backyard and I found my new spirit animal! Best week ever! And I haven't even watched Monday's episode of the Bachelorette!


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