Week off from TV

Guys, I'm going to tell you about my week starting from last Thursday. It is now Friday so really like a full week. I don't know what happened as Mercury is in Retrograde so I have been really focusing on not making big moves. But last Thursday, even though it was a work day I went over to my friend's house to meet her new boyfriend. It was going to just be a chill night. We had a fire, roasted smores and starbursts and basically just hung out by the fire. Chill in absolutely the best way. 2 of my best friends were there at first and I had met the roommate once and this couple that I had met previously at parties with my host friend but the boyfriend and his friend are the only ones I hadn't met before. So I was a little nervous because I get nervous when I don't know what to expect and with this friend I didn't know who she would invite. At first I thought it would be a pretty small get together but then our other friend told me that there would be 10 or so people there. So I couldn't think of all the 10 people would be so I was yeah, a little nervous. But it was a very cool night. I actually stayed there way later than I had planned on because another one of my best friends was coming later. Confession, I was kind of curious about the roommate... The first time we had met we actually had a lot more than I would expect to talk about so that was cool and I was curious. But he had to leave in the middle so we barely talked at all which was fine, I didn't know him anyway. Plus I bonded with this girl that I had met very briefly at a girls night back before COVID (did not remember anything about her but I love her now.) So that was Thursday. On Friday I was naturally exhausted but I worked a short day and stayed pretty busy. I went to my soccer game that was actually intense. We didn't really have a girl sub as Mo showed up late and went out with a concussion a few minutes later. So I was so tired. I do not have the fitness to play a full soccer game right now. I was dying. And during the game I shot at the keeper hoping that she would drop it because she had multiple times... And she did! So anyway when the game ended it was 7-7 however when we woke up the next morning and checked the standings it said we had lost 7-6. I'm so mad! But before I went to bed that night I got a text from my fire friend... giving me her roommate's number... Oh also remember the guy I wrote about with Jumanji? He ghosted me about a week ago but he apologized saying it had nothing to do with me and that there was other stuff going on, so I gave him another chance. We set up a date for Sunday. I was excited because we had sexual chemestry but there was something about him now that I didn't trust. It still seemed like he only wanted me if I was on birth control and he didn't trust me to not stop him from knocking me up? Like I'm too stupid to not get pregnant or trying to trap him or something? He's shady as hell... But that's a conversation for later. For now I'm going to move on to Saturday. After Friday being as busy as it was and already having things scheduled for Sunday that would make that day busy I focused on just being ready for Sunday and I talked a lot to the other trainers to try to help them. Also I had a bit of a project come up... It wasn't difficult but it was time consuming. I literally told the processor thank you for giving me something specific to work on. And then after talking it out to a few people I decided that I would text the roommate after work or I guess just before I got off work to give him time to respond by the time I was off work and could talk more. So I did and he texted back and we've been texting since... So reminder, Sunday is supposed to be a big day. I had trainings, comps, emails, and research to do at work so I was pretty busy. Also I was texting the hot roommate all day and the other guy I was going out with that night... So there was a lot going on. After a little bit I kind of went off on the Jumanji guy and apparently he did not like that because about 2:30 he just stopped texting me. Left me on read. So after a couple hours I decided that this date was not happening. And I was mad. But as I said, I didn't trust him anyway so I wasn't mad that he ghosted me but I was mad that I had gotten dressed up and did my makeup for nothing. I think this was the same day that Lish and I went down to Chala's lab on our break. So that was a fantastic distraction from the terrible mess that Sunday was becoming? No, not mess. It was actually a good day because even while I was texting both guys, I would smile when I got a text from the roommate but not from Jumanji... I was fully over him, just bummed that I got dressed up for nothing. Anyway. Lish, Chala, and I agreed to start this New Moon intention journal thing for this new moon that actually happened last night. I love that kind of shit so although I knew nothing about this journal I was so in. I read all the introductions and stuff but saved all the journalling for the new moon. Big mistake. On Monday I decided to get all dressed up and fancy again so I can kind of take back the rejection. And naturally I saw Jumanji many times throughout the day... So good thing I did dress up but also fuck him... And I was in a pretty good mood because I had already set up a potential date situation with roommate... and I had taken my extra Tuesday off 2 weeks before so I was so amped to not have to work the next day. Only 7 days in a row instead of 8! I even went over to my house to meet my new tenants. So I had a great day! Um actually this is a lot so I'm going to post this today since I missed Wednesday and keep going on my off days and post it like normal tomorrow... I doubt anyone knows when I post but still. I have to keep my pattern somehow..


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