7/10 Diviant Moon Tarot

10 of Wands This card has a person walking and carrying all the wands in the full moon. It looks like a lot to carry and they are struggling a little. What Patrick says about it is, "An over burdended worker slowly makes his way home after a long day's labor. Although he struggles, his abilities are sufficient to manage his heavy load." The meaning of this card is, Oppression. Having a burden to bear, but being able to handle it. Overwhelming stress. I can already feel this one coming up in the world around me. I'm getting tired. I've been going pretty hard the last couple of weeks. It's been more about just taking advantage of the things I'm invited to but it's been a lot. I also have been talking to the guy I'm seeing about all the pressure he's feeling and this seems very relavent to him as well. Anyone else out there feeling like their juggling a lot? This deck is strange because it looks like he's carrying sticks but they are actually wands. So I think of this as hidden wands, or wands that appear to be less than they are. That is probably where the "being able to handle it" comes in. See, I believe that when we're going through hard things it's because we're preparing for something bigger or better. It's the training before you start a cool new job, the schooling before you get your dream career, the surgury/recovery until you can run without your knees hurting. It's going to be really hard this week, but we're building to something better. In other news last night was the new moon in Cancer so that is also going to bring out a ton of feelings. And potentially even some more caring instincts.


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