First fall adventure.

Part of me trying to be my most true self is to be out hanging with different people. See, I've always known that one person can't be everything I need. I can have people be multiple things to me but the way I am, I need a different person for all my different hobbies. I need someone who will make me watch all the new movies otherwise I will never watch movies. I need someone who wants to travel with me. I need someone who wants to hike and go paddleboarding or rockclimbing. A dance friend, a drinking and going out friend, a gym friend, a hangout and do facemask friend. 2 years ago I was able to convince my mom to be my musical friend. We even got season tickets to Tuacahn this year. This last week we went down to St. George to see the last 2 shows of the season. We had previously seen Beauty and the Beast and Annie and they were both so good. The 2 shows we saw last week were School of Rock and Count of Monte Cristo. I was a little more hesitant about these ones as I'm not a Jack Black fan and I didn't know Count was a musical. It's newer though. Oh my goodness both shows were incredible though! I absolutely loved them! SoR was so cool because the kids really played their instruments and did so good. I loved seeing these talented kids and honestly, they seem more natural than the adults around them… Count was surprising too because some of the music was a little harsh? I don’t know how to describe it but there was some rock attributes to it which made it interesting. It was very cool. We didn't just watch a couple shows though. We also ate some good meals and went on a couple little adventures. We went to lunch on our only full day there and lunch was normal, we just went and got tacos. But then my mom decided she just wanted to drive so we went exploring the streets that my mom wasn't familiar with. Remember I had lived in St. George for 7 years so I wasn't surprised by a lot. We ended up driving around the cemetery where my grandpa is buried so we stopped and saw him and then we saw a trail back behind the cemetery so we took that and it was a nature park. So we explored around there. We found this totally moss covered lake and it looked unlivable. But then we saw these animals poking their heads out of the water. I thought they were frogs because I had seen frogs in the area previously. So we sat and watched these "frogs" for a little bit and eventually started seeing more and more of them. Meaning they were looking very long for the size of their heads. After watching them for about 20 minutes we figured out they were turtles… So we're clearly qualified zoologists… But they were really cool to watch. Then we explored more of the park and kept joking about how we were going to get lost in the desert. That was really the only thing we did outside of the shows and eating. But I thought it was really cool. Then we were a little early to the show so we went driving around Ivins and ended up on the road to Gunlock and we ran into a protest in the middle of nowhere. They were protesting COVID vaccination. I was very mad and confused but mostly confused about why they were so far out of town. I just don't understand! Anyway, this was a very small adventure but I am glad I got to have this experience.


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