
Yep, after all this time I watched Friday. I would say it has it's moments but it is not my type of movie. Normally I like watching a group of friends just hang out for the weekend but I don't know, maybe they needed more friends? Just watching Chris Tucker and Ice Cube get high didn't do it for me. They had some lines and I did like the end of it but yeah I probably won't feel the need to ever watch it again though. Regina King is the only other person I can think that I've ever even seen in a movie before. Although I did like her character. I can't remember if it was this or Uncle Drew that I got so high while watching that I thought I was going to be sick, but that could help solve the mystery why I did not care about this movie. Also it's old so I don't know. I would say I'm glad I watched it for the culture because I know this is a pretty realistic movie for many neighborhoods in our country but not mine so I didn't really get it. But I do for the most part like Ice Cube in it.


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