Switching schedules and prepping for Winter

Sorry I failed again. So I was doing new hire for about a month and a half and I actually really like doing it but changing my schedule around is always hard. I was working 3 12s on the late evening/early morning shift but normally I work 8 days on and take 6 days off every other week on days. It really is nice but a lot. Especially when you aren't used to it and not sleeping at night... And it's officially autumn and with the last few years I've had pretty bad seasonal depression, so this year the anxiety waiting for those bad winter months is already bad. I'm already focused only on hibernation and it's just barely getting cold. It's pretty weird because I kind of have everything that I've wanted this year and I still feel anxious. I am making money on my house and selling legos, I have the greatest kind of girl squad, I have a guy that actually likes and cares for me, I'm back on my schedule, and I've got a vacation planned. So this is all kind of perfect but all I want to do is stay home and watch TV wrapped up in a blanket. This works for my lego business as I can do that at the same time but everything else is getting to be too much. Ok that's not true, the reason my squad is the best is because we are all busy so like once a month we get together and it's awesome. It's really the guy that was feeling rejected and therefore struggling a little and pressuring me… I turned very avoidant last weekend. I feel terrible for it as I should have just said I didn't want to hang out with him every day, he would have understood. But instead I would say things like I can't today but what about tomorrow, knowing 100% that I didn't want to do anything tomorrow either… So with this strong desire to do nothing I've completely forgotten about this blog… My bad.


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