Another Scorpio seaon.

Ok so I’m sure I've talked about Scorpio season and how I feel like I become in Scorpio season before but I think it's hitting very hard this week. Like I feel like I've given up on being in public… So I told you about my Halloween weekend, which is during Scorpio season. But now I'm back at work and therefore in somewhat recovery mode? After all I don't have to be social while I'm working 80 hours in 8 days right? I just work at a desk and talk to people and then I go home, maybe watch TV for an hour or 2… Wrong! Tuesday I was so tired and yet… I think I still let Dan come over and hangout with me. Is that the day I asked him to set up my Switch? I can't even remember but that sounds right… Yeah because we tried and failed to make a fire. Then on Wednesday I tried again and got caught up watching Descendants and researching my legos. I missed his game even though I really was loosely planning on going. (I had a fear that when I sat down I wouldn't be able to get back up and out.) Then on Thursday I was really stressing because I volunteered to go feed my friend's dogs but she lives on the other side of the valley from me and I had to be home at a certain time so J could bring Wu Tang over. Yeah I'm dog sitting… I have 4 big loud dogs at my house! All weekend! From Thursday-Tuesday! So much barking! So I also wanted to take my dogs out for a walk so they wouldn't freak Wu out so much… But it all seems to be working out now… Then on Friday that is when the fun started. While I was driving to work my tire popped. Like on the road! I was able to pull over on a side street and be safe and get to work pretty easy. See I definitely learned how to change a tire, I've just never had to do it myself. Someone else was either around or pulled up just in time to save me… But I know how to do it! So I start looking around and I get the donut out, find the jack (which I have never used before) and just kind of start figuring it out. Since I had never done it before there was some hesitation and a few times I wasn't sure I'd actually be able to do it but I was. I did everything right. I even had to jump on one of the bolts to get it loose but I did and it was fine. Then I go to actually take the tire off and it did not work. The tire didn't budge! Yeah I guess it was corroded? Fused? Welded? However you want to say it, the tire was very stuck. My dad suggested a sledge hammer, I tried kicking it for about 20 minutes but I didn't know how hard I would have to kick it and I have an ankle injury! So eventually I decided to let Dan come try (he also couldn't do it fyi.) And then this big guy in big ol work boots comes up and straight up sparta kicks it and it comes right off! Like it was easy! Dan and I were both grateful but also kind of pissed… It was not that easy! How did he do that? But it worked and we were able to easily put the donut on and then drive the couple blocks to the tire place and they told us it would take all day… So I texted my boss asking if they needed me… But we went to the post office and lunch and went shopping for new soccer cleats! We both got a pair and it was great. But the car was ready so I had to make a decision. But because I'm not a liar I will tell you that I knew there was nothing pressing and I would spend most of the day looking for work… So I decided to take a day to do all the important things in life. We went to Top Golf… and day drank and it was freaking fantastic! Then we went back to my place and watched Disney and fought with the 4 big dogs. It would have been the greatest day without the 11:30 soccer game… JK soccer wasn't so bad really but I did hurt my ankle again and was barely able to stand on it before the game even started… And then before I even subbed in the other team was up 6-0… They were really stupid good. I can't imagine that they had any sort of fun playing us like that… And then the ref was yelling at us and talking shit on us the whole time! He was so weird. I think he broke up with his girlfriend or something… He was insane. So Saturday I am choosing to just be chill after work. Watch Gilmore Girls and get a 50 piece order up. Then maybe play some Super Mario… The moral of this post is that all I want to do is curl up with a fire and watch tv and drink hot chocolate and it seems like an impossible thing at this point...


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