Kissing Booth Trilogy

This started out as the typical teen movie where a kind of weird girl has a crush on a guy however we find out pretty early that maybe he has a thing for her too. The issue is that they've grown up together so there is a lot that could go wrong; his brother is her best friend, his mother is her mother figure. So high stakes... But in the first movie everything works out and they surprisingly end up together. But in the second movie we have the boyfriend/brother going away to college which of course triggers all sorts on insecurities in Joey (I can't remember their names in the show... sorry, I'm not even going to look it up. ) But as what usually happens in these movies it turns out that they are both insecure so when they can accept that it all works out and they are able to be together again. Now the third movie. This one is the final installment so the stakes are even higher. They've been together a whole year at this point, they know each other, they love each other. What could go wrong? So now they have a whole summer of love to look forward to. However, Lee also has a whole summer with his best friend before she goes off to college. Ooh also she has no idea where she wants to go to college. She could go to Harvard with Jake or Berkeley with Lee... But towards the end of the summer when the deadlines are getting closer and closer and will eventually missed she realizes that she doesn't want to go to either one for her, it's all for making other people happy. I totally get this because I feel very few of us actually know what will make us happy. We think we do in some ways but in other ways we're consistantly running in place. How many of us think we'll get our dream partner and always be happy, or our dream job, or a nice house. But truth is that there is always something else, someone else, or often just ourselves getting in the way. Happiness is an illusion. Like literally... Anyway, what started as a story about managing true love and friendship turns into a story about being yourself and not needing to make other people happy. That's not to say that we don't want the people around us to be happy but I think when we're trying too hard we tend to make us unhappy and therefore everyone around us become unhappy in the process. It's that old saying "hurt people hurt people." When we don't feel seen we lash out and we don't even mean to. You remember that classic movie To All the Boys I've Loved Before? Well It has a very similar ending with 1 small difference... This movie has a flash forward and shows us 5 years later. What do you think happens?


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