Black Widow

I kind of forgot about this movie after the noise of Scarlett's legal battle with Disney. See I'm on ScarJo's side… So I didn't want to watch unless Scarlett gets paid but I don’t like going to movie theaters but I always meant to. Then I failed and never did. So eventually I forgot about it all. However it's still a big movie so when people around me started talking about Shang-Chi I decided it was time to watch them both. I really appreciate the fact that Scarlett is over 10 years older than her "sister" who is 3 years younger in the movie… Also none of the people playing Russian spies are Russian… But I guess that's part of the spy aspect… Anyway, it was a weird movie. It was typical for Marvel these days as they have a lot of surface level humor and action but the story line has many plot-holes. See it's not the writer's or producers fault. The truth is that comic books have been around for a long time and a lot of these storylines go on forever. And each comic book has a different villain or theme and there are a ton of them. Also with comics the writer doesn't have to continue the storyline into other stories. Like 1 comic book can tell it's story and the next one doesn't have to have anything to do with the previous one. And I don't think Black Widow ever had her own comic. So basically it can be very hard to piece together a valid storyline. Spiderman is a good example of this because Toby followed a different series than Andrew did and then we have Miles Morales and all those kind of story lines. Sorry, now to Natasha. This is her origin story in a way. Once again we get David Harbour, told you he was in everything… Florence Pugh was insanely good. I loved most of her lines and just her whole thing. Rachel Weisz is one of my favorites too but Melina was a weird character. I guess she was supposed to be that way but I didn't like her. Ooh I really liked Rick Mason, he's a fun side character and I liked him in another show I watched called the 5 or something like that. Plus we get to meet the villain Taskmaster. Who according to a friend of mine is a big character in the comics. So I'm curious to see what comes from them if anything.


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