Puerto Rico

Guys! Not only was it completely beautiful there but I had such a good time. Who knew right? So first of all. It was a long flight. We had to fly out to NYC and wait a couple hours and then fly down to Puerto Rico. So we left Salt Lake at 9 am our time and landed and 11pm PR time. Long day! And everything was closed because of their COVID curfew. So we got these nasty premade sandwiches from CVS. They were terrible... And we went to bed. The next morning we woke up starving and still couldn't find food... So eventually we found a hotdog stand on the beach and order that and Pina Colada's... So not a lot of food but something. Then we sat on the beach for a little bit soaking up the sun but I got tired and a little cold so we went back up to the condo and opened all the windows and took a nap. Just what we needed! Then we woke up and went to get lunch at this little beach lounge but the power was out so they couldn't make food! But we walked down the other side of the street off the beach and found this weird pizza place that luckily had more than just pizza. It was time to try real Puerto Rican food! Also we had the first alcohol of the vacation and got some very watered down Sangria.Then we walked around a little and went back to the condo to get ready for dinner. I showered and got wore shorts and it was great. And we went to a tapas restaurant and drank very strong rum and cokes. We had this seafood rice dish that was massive but so good! Then we went back and went to bed. The next morning we knew better then to go try and find breakfast so instead we stayed in bed until about 3 pm! We weren't asleep the whole time but on and off while listening to podcasts. It seems like a lame vacation but I think we needed the rest. Then we woke up and went to a taqueria for lunch and drinks and then came back and took another nap! We basically slept all day but I'm telling you it was so nice! Then we got up and got all dressed up for dinner. I wore this cute skirt and great red shirt. I was looking great! And we went to a kind of fancy place but I don't remember what we ate. We had Sangria though. And this stuff was good. Then you guessed it, we went back and went to bed. Ok we did stop and get more drinks first and drink a few on the balcony. But we also had an early morning. Because on Monday we woke up at 8 to go hike through a rainforest to a waterfall. And it was so pretty and cool and fun and although they made it seem like it was this big scary adventure course, it wasn't... It had a few slow down concentrate moments but I did the whole thing holding my water bottle in my hands. It took like an hour. It took almost as long to drive there as it did to hike. But it was so worth it. And after they took us to this local food place and had us try a bunch of local foods. It was really good and we had pina coladas to wash them down. Then yep we went back and took a nap. But the girls we were with fell asleep in the car so at least we didn't do that. Then we woke up and I put on a dress and wait, maybe that's when we went to the taqueria? Nope I remember, we went to this place called Hotties. It was decent but that was after we had already shrunken our stomachs. We could not eat that much... Dan ordered steak and lobster and I told him that we could share it but he decided he wanted it all so I ordered some fish and we barely ate anything. It was good but we couldn't eat all of it. Then we went for a walk on the beach and that was beautiful and "romantic" and we talked a lot about everything. Then we went back and drank more. Like we do. Then went to sleep. The next day we decided it was finally beach day. So we slept until noon and then woke up and went to this beach lounge and had pure Puerto Rican food that we also barely ate... I'm telling you, it was so hard to eat anything. I think I've only had Mac and Cheese since getting back. But this is about the trip. After eating and drinking some really good drinks we finally got to the beach and went immediately to play in the ocean. It was warm and salty and so much fun. I lost my Raybans, I don't really think they match my face but they were expensive so it's not great... But I had fun so I'm not even mad. After a few hours we went back and got ready to go explore Old San Juan and that was cool. The dinner was alright, weird vibe place but the food was good. And then we went and walked around the small town. We even got to see the original Spanish fort. They call it the castle or something... I don't remember I was high on vacation. And then we woke up, drove to the airport around 11 am and we got back at 10 pm our time which is 3 hours behind Puerto Rico. So like 1 am... It was a long freaking day and we both went to work the next day!


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