Book Club

We call it a book club just because the first time we met up there was another get together at the restaurant and they said they were a book club so it sounded fun. So what we actually do is read/write in the Untamed journal. This journal is hard. It's very triggering. It makes me want to burn down the patriarchy on every page. See even though I was raised by religious parents and teachers but those same people taught me how to vote and dress and act. So the questions in this journal are what were you taught makes you a good daughter, friend, mother, person etc. And to me they are all basically the same thing. From a young age I learn to cook, clean and take care of others. I started babysitting my siblings at 10 and I was supposed to make sure they doing everything that they were supposed to. It was not successful as I always felt like I was not someone who should be focusing on that. I knew I wasn't supposed to be the one to take care of children as I was a child myself. And here I am now so immature because I just want to be taken care of. But this is about the book club. There are 6 of us girls that plan to get together every month and discuss a section of the journal. And we've only met up after journaling once to discuss and it was even better than expected. We all opened up more than I expected. So I will update you on the rest of it but I have only done the first part.


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