Relationship update.

Yeah I quit writing again. I have been dating someone since September and with that it's been hard to juggle work, friends, side hustles, family and attempting a new relationship. And then Christmas came and it all got harder, then New Years came and it was even worse. New Years day was terrible. I had to do like 4 jobs myself and teach 4 people how to do the job at the same time. It was so busy too. I was exhausted but also very upset because I knew that I would not get any credit for what I had done. And then the real fun began. On January 4 I started the anxiety med Lexapro and it was fine the first couple of hours... And then the next day I got so dizzy and nauseous and felt like I couldn't even move. And stayed like that for 4 days and then started my period. So add bleeding and cramping to those feelings. And then 3 days later I got COVID... So basically I was sick for 11 days. That was a great start to the year. And then I had to work for 4 days and then go to Puerto Rico... So that was demanding too. So totally low and then totally high. I'm telling you January was a weird month! We got back from PR the 26 and the 27 at 9am I was back to work again. I only made it 6 hours but I did everything important. And I worked the next 4 days, got a little stressed but all in all I was able to keep my cool. And then on my last day of what would have been work I woke up with a headache and called in a few hours late and then after those few hours I tried to shower and passed out while I was in there. So after a little while the fever started setting in and it turns out that it was a good thing I didn't go into work. So then I spent the rest of the day in sick in bed. So yeah I've been battling being social and being sick. And the days of my sickness have not been good for writing a lot on my computer... So I am so sorry, but once again I am commiting to this blog thing. I am doing this again.


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