This is one of those Netflix series with 1 season just to tell a quick story. I guess it could go on to another season, but I feel like this story has been told so we'll see. But this show has Andie Macdowell playing an artistic hippy person which is very believable… And her real life daughter is the star of the show. For real but I don't know anything else she's been in. I loved her though, she was so real and believable and told a story that for sure has happened for 1000s of women. It really shows the real life of someone doing whatever it takes to take care of her daughter. It shows the struggle of trying so hard and yet still failing.
Here's the thing, to me failing is important. The truth of life is that trying something scary will most often lead to some kind of fail. And that's ok, good even. I admire people who can keep going through adversity. What's the statistic, it often takes 5 times to leave an abusive relationship? That doesn't make it impossible just that there is a lot of room for error. So if you try and fail but keep trying or find something else that is what I consider success. It's being afraid to try or change or grow that is the failure to me.
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