Workin' Moms
TV show This show takes place in Canada so I don't really know any of the actors but Dan Aykroyd is in an episode or 2... It's very funny and actually seems pretty real. It follows a few different family dynamics but the main girls are all good friends. Probably my favorite character development is Ian though. He works so hard to be a good dad but doesn't actually have a job... it's an interesting concept. Kate and Anne have been friends for a long time but when they have kids at the same time they join a mommy group so their kids can get into a good preschool (Is that a thing) And the series follows key people in this group. But instead of just following their family life, we follow them when they aren't with their kids. I tell you, I can not remember their kids names at all. Because they don't matter to the story... But I know all of Kate's co-workers and Anne's clients and Frankie's girlfriends but Rhoda is the only kid I can think of and that...