Scorpio season
I shut down this month. But I kind of had permission to. See the end of October was really trying. I've been feeling like I'm failing at a lot of things this year. I know I'm not alone but I feel very alone right now. I have the best friends but I'm not keeping them around. I don't really push them away but I feel so negative right now and I don't want to push that energy on everyone else so I'm using the same precautions as COVID. If you keep your distance, you can't get them sick... So in an effort to alienate negativity it's worked and I just kind of sit at home by myself all night and sleep all day. Now I say I've been given permission because scorpio season is kind of a more preparatory time. It's all about getting ready for the holidays I guess but also it's Sagittarius next and that's a fire sign which is opposite of Scorpio's water. So November can be pretty emotional but December is more warm and outgoing. Plus I'm...