So my family tries to keep the same routine that we've had forever. Well that's not really true, as kids we would always go to St. George but when school, work and sports took over things changed. So we started doing it at home. Now my parents are for the most part empty nesters (I still live there but I try to not be in the way.) This year as I mentioned last week, my brother was here too. So we did a big fancy Thanksgiving for the 4 of us. It was not exciting. It was awkward because Thanksgiving food while good is not often great and definitely not my favorite foods. Dylan and I tried so hard to be present with the family but we have different beliefs from them and they refuse to let us be ourselves around them. In fact on Saturday we talked about doing something with dad but nothing happened and eventually we went out without them. See we weren't eager to go out with them because they wont' let us drink... Not that we have to drink all the time but also when we'r...