Park City; Best Friend's Birthday Weekend
Adventure post So my friend started planning for her birthday in January. She said she wanted a girls weekend where we got all dressed up and went out and partied all weekend. Then COVID hit and we weren't sure what would happen but we just kept waiting to see. We even waited until the day of to plan anything... So my other friend went to work running errands and getting everything ready for the trip. We got liquor, we got snacks, we got breakfast foods knowing we would be too hung over to do much in the morning. Then we got to the Airbnb and there was no kitchen... So no where to put our drinks or our breakfast foods. Not what we were planning so it just got weird. Oh also forgot to mention the birthday girl's apartment floor flooded the week before... So she had to tear the floor out with her dad and buy new floor and that was where her head was when we got to the small hotel room that was supposed to be a big nice condo... So instead of getting dressed to impress for dinn...